Here at Rocialle Healthcare, we are passionate about our responsibility to protect the planet. With a laser-focus on reducing our environmental footprint, we care about doing our bit to look after both the communities we serve and future generations to come.
Acting today, protecting tomorrow…
Find out how we’ve helped the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to realise recycling savings as part of their sustainability plans as we work together for a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service.

Green-R Energy
Increasing efficiencies and protecting resources
Green-R Innovation
Leading the way with solutions for sustainable products
Green-R Packaging
Reducing waste through recycling and digital adoption
Green-R Travel
Lowering carbon emissions and improving air quality
Green-R Working
Collaboratively making a positive differenceGreen-R Energy
Smart Energy Reduction…
We are committed to monitoring our energy usage and delivering energy improvements. With investment in new systems, motion sensor lighting, optimisation of shift patterns and efficient shutdown procedures, we’re already cutting our energy usage by 33%
Green Energy Tariff…
100% of the electricity that we use is generated from verified renewable energy sources
Aiming For the Sun…
Covering 85% of the current roof space at our South Wales Head Office, we’ve installed 928 solar panels which reduce CO2 emissions and generate an estimated annual output of 386,000 kW…
…that’s the equivalent of powering the electricity of over 130 average UK households for a year.
Blowing Air Efficiently...
We’ve invested in a new, smartly intuitive Climate Control system for our temperature stores. Air source heat pumps with demand-based variable speed fans ensure a more energy efficient way of optimising required temperatures in large areas
Green-R Innovation
Leading Product Innovation…
We’re always looking at new ways in which we can drive sustainable production and we’re proud to be the first company to bring the NHS a new range of EcoRange Polyware that’s COMPLETELY MADE FROM 100% RECYCLED PLASTIC
Designed to cut waste to landfill without compromising product quality, EcoRange SAVES 189 TONNES OF PLASTIC a year.
That’s the around the same weight as…
Green-R Packaging
Our Brown Boxes are Really Green…
When you receive a delivery from us you can have confidence in knowing that our Rocialle Healthcare branded delivery boxes are made from 100% RECYCLED MATERIALS…
Green-R Travel
Fewer Miles and Lower CO2 Emissions…
Working in collaboration with our customers and suppliers, we’ve been able to consolidate orders to ensure more efficient and less frequent deliveries, without any detriment to service levels
On Our Bikes...
Lowering carbon emissions and encouraging a healthy lifestyle, we’re proud to offer our staff a subsidised ‘Cycle to Work’ scheme with financial support for bikes and equipment
Green-R Partners
Zero Waste to Landfill
With the creation of segregated recycling schemes across our sites and changes to our general waste management systems, this year we aim to achieve zero waste to landfill from our business operations
Sustainability Synergies…
We all have a part to play in protecting the environment and we work with the different partners in our supply chain to review and enhance sustainable operations.
Rocialle Healthcare and The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Over the last year, we’re proud to have helped The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust reduce their CO2e emissions through switching to recycled materials
Find out how we can help you save money while supporting your sustainability plans by contacting us
“Robert Swan said “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” At Rocialle Healthcare, we have ambitious plans to improve our positive impact on the environment every way we can. As a senior leadership team we are leading the initiative. Having started with self-reflection around what we can do personally, equally, we are looking to educate, inspire our employees along with our external manufacturing partners and help support our customer like-minded environmental aspirations.
At Rocialle Healthcare, we wholeheartedly believe we can make a modest difference to help our planet thrive, & survive for future generations.”
Joanne Griffiths, Head of Operations